Shoulder Stiffness
Suffering from shoulder stiffness? It affects millions of people all over the world at any one time, and it can be a problem that comes and goes or sticks around for the long periods and it affects more things in ones life then they might realize. It can be just annoying or all the way to debilitating. It’s causes and contributing factors can be numerous and will commonly vary.
Individuals suffering from shoulder stiffness might seek medical attention from a doctor, only to be told there isn’t much help for them except anti-inflammatory medication or some sort of prescription for pain relief. These method will only mask the pain they will NOT help heal your body.
Some of the underlying causes of shoulder stiffness can be bad posture and poor body mechanics which will lead to a misalignment in the spinal column or if the head is altered as a result of an accident or fall, thus making your shoulders tilted and be over worked.
Seeking care from a Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic is an excellent way to discover the root cause of your problems. An Upper Cervical Chiropractor will take Infrared Scans and rely on Digital Radiography to look for imbalances and misalignment’s. A Upper Cervical Chiropractor will be able correct these underlying issues without any of the long term side affects of surgery, or consumption of over the counter medications.
Kindspine Chiropractic Center does things differently, and you can feel it as you walk through the door of their office, theirs is a holistic approach focused on allowing the body to heal itself. They believe the focus should be on living a life free of nerve interference and not about getting adjustments. In fact, their goal is to deliver as few adjustments as possible.
There are many patients that have felt instantly better after their first visit (click to hear them). I can’t wait for you to see what the Kindspine Chiropractic Center offers and how it will improve your future. To schedule a consultation and/or appointment click here.
Speaking of the future at Kindspine Chiropractic Center, I got an update from Selena! She sent us a video introducing herself to those she hasn’t met yet and saying hello to those who she has. I posted it below. Check it out. I can’t wait to get her in here and be a part of this journey of hers. I’m looking forward to being able to help her develop her skills in analysis, technique, philosophy and other lessons I’ve learned over my last 18 years in practice. She is going to make a great Chiropractor.
Have a fantastic weekend filled with blessings, but don’t forget…..Be kind to Your Spine!
-Dr. Kris
Meet Selena