Fact Checking Chiropractic Myths
Fact-Checking Chiropractic Myths – Once You Go You Have to Go For the Rest of Your Life! FACT CHECK.... Partially True! One of the more common myths about chiropractic is that ‘once you start, you have to keep going for the rest of your life’. This half-truth has been...
A Better Approach To High Blood Pressure
Most people think that Upper Cervical is only good for neck and back pain. This couldn't be further from the truth. People with musculoskeletal pain only represent a small fraction of those helped by Upper Cervical care. Upper Cervical, and Chiropractic in general, is...
Game Changer for Migraine Sufferers
One of the more common conditions I see in my office is Migraine Headaches. 1 in 7 people in the WORLD suffer from Migraines. That’s 1 in 5 women and 1 out of every 15 men in the United States. After dental cavities and tension headaches, migraines are ranked third on...
Protect yourself from Viruses
The rapid spread of the coronavirus now called COVID-19 has sparked alarm worldwide. As we learn more about this virus we see that many individual cases of infected people that die from this virus have been shown to have underlying health issues that weaken the immune...
How to give your body a boost
It is that time of year—cold and flu season. As an Atlanta Chiropractor, we’ve helped out many people who have suffered from weak immune systems. As we gradually descend into the cold winter months, it is important to keep a healthy and boosted immune system. With...
Top 10 Reasons People See a Chiropractor
When you hear the word Chiropractor, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Pain relief, right? It’s true that Chiropractic does help with musculoskeletal complaints, but that’s not what has kept Chiropractic a separate and distinct healthcare profession for the...
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Monday 8 AM – 1 PM , 3 PM – 6 PM
Tuesday 8 AM – 1 PM
Wednesday 8 AM – 1 PM , 3 PM – 6 PM
Thursday 8 AM – 1 PM
Friday 8 AM – 1 PM , 3 PM – 6 PM
Saturday and Sunday Closed