The Best And Worst Sleeping Positions For Back Pain

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We can all agree that a good night’s rest is essential for our mental and physical health. Unfortunately, the wrong sleep positions can hamper our ability to do so. That’s why it is so important to know which sleeping positions are best to make the most out of the precious little time you may have to get some rest.

So, if you’re here today looking to know the best and also the worst sleeping positions, especially for back pain, here they are:

The Best Sleeping Positions For People With Back Pain

Position #1: The Side Sleeping Position

The side sleeping position is one of the most recommended sleeping positions for people with back pain. This position is great for people who have both neck and lower back pain. In this position, the neck is slightly bent, so it remains in an S-shape. This way, the head is not resting on any surface but is also not in a straight position.

This position is best for people who suffer from mild back pain and want to prevent it from getting worse.

Position #2: The Fetal Position

The fetal position is not recommended for people who suffer from severe back pain but is the best position for people with mild and chronic back pain. In this position, the head is resting on one hand, and the body is curled up.

The fetal position is great for lower back pain because it helps you to relax more and sleep better in general. This position is also great if you suffer from sciatica because it will help relieve the pain and numbness in the legs.

Position #3: The Sleeping On One Side Position

If you have mild back pain, you can try sleeping on one side. However, you must make sure that your neck is in line with your spine and that your head is not tilted forward.

The sleeping on one side position is also one of the best sleeping positions for people with spinal stenosis because it keeps the spine in a natural curve, which will help relieve low back pain.

The Worst Sleeping Positions For People With Back Pain

Position #1: The Free Fall Position

This position is not good for anybody, but it is especially bad for people with back pain.

In this position, the head is slightly bent forward, the shoulders are curved, and the arms are folded.

This position puts strain on the back muscles, as well as on the neck and shoulders. Besides, it keeps the spine in a slouching position, which is not good for your back or neck.

Position #2: The Spooning Position

In this position, the head is resting on one arm, and the legs are bent. The problem with this position is that the lower back is curved and under stress.

You should avoid sleeping like this, particularly if you suffer from back or neck pain because it puts stress on the injured area.

Position #3: The Twisting Position

The best sleeping position for your back depends on your specific needs and the type of pain that you experience. However, you should avoid sleeping on the side, back, or stomach if you have lower back pain.

Instead, try to sleep on the other side or especially on the back. In this position, the back is straight. The spine will be in a natural curve, so the back muscles can relax without being under stress.


If you have a bad back, the best sleeping position is the one that helps you to relax more, get some sleep and relieve the pain. However, this position might change from time to time, depending on your specific needs and the type of back pain you are experiencing. Just be sure not to end up with bad sleeping positions, as they do nothing but hurt your back more!

Kindspine offers chiropractic care to help those with back-related issues find the healing they need to enjoy a comfortable life once more. If you are looking for a back pain chiropractor near you in Atlanta, get in touch with us today!