It is that time of year—cold and flu season. As an Atlanta Chiropractor, we’ve helped out many people who have suffered from weak immune systems. As we gradually descend into the cold winter months, it is important to keep a healthy and boosted immune system. With consistent chiropractic adjustments and healthy lifestyle practices, you can take on this flu season with confidence!
We all know there is no cure for the common cold. However chiropractic adjustments are a great natural way to give a powerful boost to the immune system, which will help the body fight off viruses.
Did you know?
It has been proven that there are connections between the nervous system and immune system. Collectively, the spinal cord and brainstem regulate and control all of the body’s functions while working with the immune system. Spinal misalignments can cause neural dysfunction, which can stress the body out and possibly lead to a weakened immune system. In some cases, even just one chiropractic adjustment can provide an instant boost to the immune system.
In addition to routine chiropractic visits, there are other methods that can be incorporated into boosting your immune system such as:
Getting more sleep
Allow your body to rest and recharge. Sleep allows your body to keep working at an optimal level and combat viruses.
Increasing your daily intake of vitamin C
A deficiency of vitamin C has been shown to increase your chances of getting sick. Include more vitamin C rich foods in your diet like oranges, grapefruits, spinach and kale.
Getting healthy exercise
Exercise improves blood circulation which helps kickstart your immune system and releases virus fighting substances in your body.
Incorporating routine adjustments and healthy lifestyle changes can give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you healthy year-round. Reach out to your Atlanta Chiropractor and schedule your appointment today!